The Webster Technique
Clarity On The Webster Technique in Pregnancy
With the intent of supporting natural childbirth in the mid 1980s, Larry Webster, D.C., developed a chiropractic adjustment now called the Webster technique. The first and most significant observation of this adjustment was for women who were presenting breech during pregnancy. After they received the Webster adjustment, their babies turned head down. As a result, they were more likely to experience a natural childbirth that was safer and easier.
How Can A Chiropractic Adjustment Affect Baby Positioning?
Often people will ask, “How can a chiropractic adjustment affect baby positioning?” The answer is by improving pelvic balance. When the mother’s pelvis is out of alignment, the ligaments that connect from the pelvis to the uterus increase their tension (tone) resulting in a distortion to the uterine space. Don MacDonald, D.C., offers a great analogy: Increased tone is like sleeping in a bed with someone sitting on the sheets beside you. Can you turn over freely? No.” For the baby, the surrounding walls of the uterus tighten with pelvic imbalance, becoming more and more like tight bedsheets that restrict her motion. The chiropractic adjustment to the pelvis releases tension to the ligaments and uterus so that the baby can move freely and assume the best possible position for birth.
Chiropractic Care And The Webster Technique Allow For Safer, Easier Births
It is important to realize that many pregnant women are seeking ICPA doctors throughout their pregnancies to utilize the many additional benefits of the Webster technique. For every stage of pregnancy, this adjustment reduces interference to the nervous system–a vital benefit to improve physiology for both Mom and her baby. When Mom’s physiological function is at its best, the baby’s development is optimized. Balancing the pelvic bones, muscles, and ligaments, and improving normal physiology sets the stage for a natural birth.
Chiropractic care and the Webster technique allow for safer, easier births!
3 Components For A Smoother Birth
Williams Obstetrics tells us there are three components
for a smoother birth for both mother and baby: Power, Passage, and Passenger.
1. Power
Chiropractic care promotes a natural, healthy birth by supporting the nervous system's (Power) vital role in the body's processes.
2. Passage
Chiropractic care helps ensure balance in the mother's pelvis and birth canal (Passage), benefiting both the mother and baby. This leads to greater ease and comfort during pregnancy and birth.
3. Passenger
The baby (Passenger) wants the best position to go through the birth canal. The mother's optimal nervous system and balanced pelvis help the baby's movements during birth. Birth is a cooperative endeavour, where the mom and the baby play vitally connected roles.
Enhanced nervous system function: The technique improves the nervous system's functioning for both mother and baby.
Easier labor and delivery: The Webster Technique promotes smoother childbirth with fewer complications.